Channel: No1 IDEAS
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: stone wallkoihow to waterfallfish aquariumaquarium decoration ideasdiy aquariumkoi fish tankdiyhow to make aquariumwaterfallhow to aquariumno1 ideas aquariumbackyard ideasmake aquariumfish aquarium decoration ideasoutdoor aquariumamazing aquariumno1ideasoutdoor koidiy fish tankdiy ideasstone wall waterfallaquariumhow to diy aquariumaquarium decoration ideas at homeslate waterfallbuild aquariumkoi aquariumaquarium design
Description: The outdoor KOI aquarium with a beautiful slate aquarium is an ideal idea for your home. The murmuring water from black slate waterfall and the colorful KOI fish make the emphasis of this aquarium, which help us balance the emotion and refresh energy. Watch the full video and learn how to DIY a beautiful outdoor KOI aquarium with an amazing slate waterfall for your house. ---- Materials: cement, sand, iron, red brick, pebbles, mini pump, PVC pipe, glass, silicone glue, paintbrush, ceramic tile, slate Paint color: grey, purple, yellow, orange, light lime-yellow ---- Please press Subscribe to update the latest videos and leave your comments! ----- Our 2nd youtube channel: sweetgarden365 ----- See more new ideas: ----- Follow us: Youtube: Fanpage: Pinterest: Website: Instagram: ----- Music By: ----- Contact us: #KoiAquarium, #No1ideas, #SlateWaterfall